Technology: Canada

CBC - Technology (39 minutes ago)

Monday was recorded as the hottest day ever globally, beating a record set the day before, as countries around the world from Japan to Bolivia to the United States continue to feel the heat, according to the European climate change service.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (39 minutes ago)

Thousands of people have fled the raging wildfires that ripped through Jasper National Park and its town this week. But what about the parks' wild residents, such as caribou and elk? Here's how conservationists think they'll fare.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (2 hours ago)

People looking for love with an Olympic athlete could have a difficult time this year: Grindr, the LGBTQ2S+ dating app, has disabled some of its location-sharing features to protect athletes from harassment or prosecution.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (15 hours ago)

A B.C. cyclist is recovering after a run-in with a grizzly that ended with the bear getting punched in the face. 

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (17 hours ago)

When researchers set out to learn what happens to our brains when we blush, they faced a conundrum: how could they sufficiently humiliate their study's subjects as they lay alone in a dark MRI machine?

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (24 hours ago)

While AI's inevitability has been a recurring refrain in much of the business media, there has been a small chorus of skeptics demanding proof of its ability to do what corporations need most: make money.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (24 hours ago)

Many people think of bats as nothing more than unwelcome pests that roost in our attics. But there are scientists working hard in the Outaouais to monitor and preserve the region's bat population, which has experienced a drastic decline due to a deadly fungal disease.

#technology #ca


Global News - Technology (A day ago)

A CrowdStrike software update that crashed computers globally last week was caused by a bug in the U.S. cybersecurity firm's quality control mechanism, the company said.

#technology #ca


Global News - Technology (2 days ago)

Dozens of Canadian flights and several hospitals across the country were impacted on Friday amid a global technology outage related to cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (2 days ago)

OpenAI said on Thursday it is selectively rolling out SearchGPT, an artificial intelligence-powered search engine with real time access to the information from the internet.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (2 days ago)

A North Korean military intelligence operative has been indicted in a conspiracy to hack into American health care providers, NASA, U.S. military bases and international entities, stealing sensitive information and installing ransomware to fund more attacks, federal prosecutors announced Thursday.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (2 days ago)

Already more than a month late getting back, two NASA astronauts will remain at the International Space Station until engineers finish working on problems plaguing their Boeing capsule, officials said Thursday.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (2 days ago)

CrowdStrike is blaming a bug in an update that allowed its cybersecurity systems to push bad data out to millions of customer computers, setting off last week's global tech outage that grounded flights, took TV broadcasts off air and disrupted banks, hospitals and retailers.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (2 days ago)

A new, unusual cluster of human H5N1 cases in Colorado hints at looming challenges to come, all while the broader U.S. bird flu outbreak may be surging out of control, several scientists told CBC News.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (3 days ago)

Jupiter-like planet more massive than first thought, according to new space telescope images

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (3 days ago)

CrowdStrike is blaming a bug in an update that allowed its cybersecurity systems to push bad data out to millions of customer computers, setting off last week's global tech outage that grounded flights, took TV broadcasts off air and disrupted banks, hospitals and retailers.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (3 days ago)

The discovery of oxygen being produced on the ocean floor — apparently by ancient lumps of metal — has put the scientists behind the landmark study at odds with the Canada-based mining company that funded them.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (3 days ago)

Meta says it has taken down about 63,000 Facebook accounts in Nigeria that were engaging in financial sextortion scams — along with groups and pages that were trying to organize, recruit and train new scammers.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (3 days ago)

Preliminary data from Copernicus shows that the global average temperature Sunday was 17.09 C, beating the record set just last year on July 6, 2023 by 0.01 C. Both Sunday's mark and last year's record obliterate the previous record of 16.8 C, which itself was only a few years old, set in 2016.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (3 days ago)

Crowdstrike is blaming a bug in an update that allowed its cybersecurity systems to push bad data out to millions of customer computers, setting off last week's global tech outage that grounded flights, took TV broadcasts off air and disrupted banks, hospitals and retailers.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (4 days ago)

A surprise eruption in Yellowstone National Park shot steam, water and dark-coloured rock and dirt high into the sky Tuesday and sent sightseers running for safety.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (4 days ago)

Paleontologists have revealed new details about an ancient animal that is related to centipedes, crabs and, yes, even sea monkeys.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (4 days ago)

Sharks living off the coast of Brazil have tested positive for cocaine, according to new research, the first time that the drug has been detected in free-ranging sharks.

#technology #ca


Global News - Technology (4 days ago)

The Canadian Journalism Collective submitted plans to Canada's broadcasting regulator this week outlining the structure of the board that will ultimately oversee the funds.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (4 days ago)

Rare earth elements are a key part of the transition to a green economy. From magnets in wind turbines to batteries in electric vehicles, they're needed for technology that is increasingly in demand.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (4 days ago)

SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket experienced a mishap in space, causing the Federal Aviation Administration to ground the rocket, potentially delaying an ambitious private mission that would see the first commercial spacewalk.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (5 days ago)

Google is planning to keep third-party cookies in its Chrome browser, it said on Monday, after years of pledging to phase out the tiny packets of code meant to track users on the internet.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (5 days ago)

Cybercriminals are already capitalizing on the chaos from Friday's massive global tech outage by promoting fake websites filled with malicious software designed to compromise unsuspecting victims.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (5 days ago)

Tiny wasps that lay body-bursting eggs in invasive insects may be able to help B.C. berry growers protect their crops.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (5 days ago)

Three little brown bats in two separate areas of southeastern Alberta have tested positive for white-nose syndrome, and there's no cure. Biologists consider white-nose syndrome one of the worst wildlife diseases in modern times in North America.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (5 days ago)

The leathery, mulleted remains of a 52,000-year-old woolly mammoth known as Chris Waddle aren't much to look at, says geneticist Olga Dudchenko — but the information they contain is invaluable. 

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (6 days ago)

The first gene-edited pig organs ever transplanted into people came from animals born on this special research farm in the Blue Ridge mountains..

#technology #ca


Global News - Technology (6 days ago)

A single software update has brought the digital world to its knees as workers around the world woke up on Friday and found they couldn't boot up their computers.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (6 days ago)

Businesses from airlines to hospitals have been grappling with a faulty software update that caused technological havoc worldwide on Friday, and its repercussions continued through the weekend.

#technology #ca


Global News - Technology (A week ago)

A small West Coast company is helping astronauts return to the moon in 2026. ALUULA Composites has signed on to provide its durable, lightweight fabric to build space habitats.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A week ago)

A faulty software update caused technological havoc worldwide on Friday, grounding flights, knocking media outlets offline, and disrupting hospitals, small businesses and government offices. The breadth of the outages highlighted the fragility of a digitized world dependent on just a few providers for key computing services.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A week ago)

July's full moon will shine bright in the sky this weekend — and lands near the anniversary of a special lunar event worth celebrating.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A week ago)

The cosmos is providing a full moon for the 55th anniversary of the first lunar landing this weekend, and plenty of other events honor Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's giant leap.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A week ago)

Researchers say they know the 'Big One' is coming, but when should we expect it? Scientists say predicting when a megathrust earthquake will occur is a guessing game.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (A week ago)

When Kelly Haston emerged from NASA's Mars simulation project, she was met with flashing cameras, beaming colleagues and vigorous applause. It was a stark change from the previous 378 days, during which she and her three crew members shared a 157-square-metre habitat meant to simulate an eventual mission to Mars.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A week ago)

As more people look to find love on dating apps and social media these days, so too are those looking to commit romance scams as artificial intelligence makes it harder to know what's real and what isn't.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (A week ago)

For years, medical experts have warned a rising number of Canadians are being exposed to ticks carrying an array of dangerous pathogens. Lyme disease is the most familiar, but concerns about anaplasmosis, babesiosis, and Powassan virus are also growing. Are surveillance and awareness efforts keeping pace?

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A week ago)

The nearly complete fossilized remains of a stegosaurus fetched US$44.6 million at auction Wednesday, Sotheby's said. The buyer's name was not disclosed.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A week ago)

NASA said Wednesday it's cancelling its water-seeking moon rover, citing cost overruns and launch delays.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A week ago)

A meteor streaked over the New York City skyline before disintegrating over nearby New Jersey, according to NASA.

#technology #ca


Global News - Technology (A week ago)

TurboTax-parent company Intuit will layoff 1,800 employees and close offices in Edmonton and Idaho to focus on its AI-powered tax preparation software and other financial products.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A week ago)

Social media platform X Corp and rocket company SpaceX will move their headquarters to Texas from California, billionaire Elon Musk, who controls both companies, said on Tuesday.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A week ago)

One of Edmonton's main contributors to Google Street View is a man who dresses up as an alien.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (A week ago)

Parks Canada says it's seeing encouraging signs of dune regrowth in Prince Edward Island National Park — and some of the credit goes to beachgoers who stay off them.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A week ago)

Students in Prince Edward Island will not be allowed to use cellphones in classrooms this upcoming school year.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (2 weeks ago)

NASA is marking the two-year anniversary of the James Webb Space Telescope with a beautiful image of two interacting galaxies, which may look a little familiar.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (2 weeks ago)

The surprising similarities between Mars and the North brought around 80 astroscientists to the Yukon this week, representing universities and space agencies from all over the world. 

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (2 weeks ago)

During the Cretaceous Period, a genus of sharks roamed the sea with rows of unusual teeth. Mostly large and rounded, these chompers were not meant to slice through their prey, but to grind and crush shelled creatures.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (2 weeks ago)

Boeing's new Starliner spacecraft had a helium leak before it even blasted off from Cape Canaveral, Fla., on the way to the International Space Station. Then more problems arose. While many are comparing Boeing to SpaceX in a most unflattering way, it may not exactly be fair.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (2 weeks ago)

Scientists have confirmed a cave on the moon, not far from where Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed 55 years ago, and suspect there are hundreds more that could house future astronauts.

#technology #ca


Global News - Technology (2 weeks ago)

The European Commission outlined the preliminary findings from its investigation into X, formerly known as Twitter, under the 27-nation bloc's Digital Services Act.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (2 weeks ago)

For the first time, the Canadian government has conducted a rapid analysis of a period of extreme heat and determined its connection to human-caused climate change.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (2 weeks ago)

The strategy aims to enable Atlantic salmon populations to thrive. A draft of it is now posted online. The deadline to make a comment on it is July 30.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (2 weeks ago)

Spread and transmitted by sap-sucking green aphids, blueberry scorch has reached most of B.C.'s blueberry farms.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (2 weeks ago)

Most of the fishing gear entangling a young whale for weeks was cut away on Wednesday by crews during an intervention in the St. Lawrence Estuary.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (2 weeks ago)

A rare ammonite fossil – about 75 million years old - has been discovered in eastern Saskatchewan.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (2 weeks ago)

The Federal Court of Canada is being asked to declare that only humans — and not artificial intelligence — can be considered authors under Canada's copyright law.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (2 weeks ago)

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.4 struck off the coast of Vancouver Island on Thursday morning, part of an ongoing "swarm" of quakes being detected off the British Columbia coast.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (2 weeks ago)

A researcher based in Regina has received a prestigious scholarship to aid her work in unravelling mysteries at the subatomic level.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (2 weeks ago)

The ecologically unique ocean area is located about 150 kilometres off the west coast of Vancouver Island.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (2 weeks ago)

A SpaceX rocket has failed for the first time in nearly a decade, leaving the company's internet satellites in an orbit so low that they're doomed to fall through the atmosphere and burn up.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (2 weeks ago)

The world's first hydrogen-powered commercial passenger ferry will start operating on San Francisco Bay as part of plans to phase out diesel-powered vessels and reduce planet-warming carbon emissions, California officials said Friday, demonstrating the ship.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (2 weeks ago)

Canadians can now get their hands on Apple's flashiest piece of technology, but some warn they shouldn't expect the device to become ubiquitous just yet.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (2 weeks ago)

The Webb Space Telescope has captured a pair of intertwined galaxies glowing in the infrared.

#technology #ca


Global News - Technology (2 weeks ago)

An AT&T spokesperson confirmed Friday that the cellular data affected in a recent massive breach includes made calls to Canadian numbers.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (2 weeks ago)

The nearly complete fossilized remains of a 161-million-year-old stegosaurus discovered in Colorado in 2022 will be auctioned by Sotheby's in New York next week.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (2 weeks ago)

Scientists in Western Australia have found a tree frog which is bright blue, rather than the usual green, due to a rare genetic mutation.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (2 weeks ago)

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to develop and become more accessible, law enforcement and other crime agencies, including those in Alberta, are warning about the rapid rise of deepfakes involving sexually explicit images and videos of children.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (2 weeks ago)

With a little help from the warming Gulf Stream, Nova Scotia beachgoers are encountering a strange creature with a balloon-like body whose sting packs a bigger punch than that of jellyfish.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (2 weeks ago)

The South Korean electronics giant on Wednesday revealed that both its first-ever premium smartwatch and a smart ring heralding its entry into a niche market will include AI features that are supposed to help people monitor and manage their health.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (2 weeks ago)

The South Korean electronics giant on Wednesday revealed that both its first-ever premium smartwatch and a smart ring heralding its entry into a niche market will include AI features that are supposed to help people monitor and manage their health.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (2 weeks ago)

A team of archaeologists is searching near Prince Albert, Sask., for clues as to exactly when Indigenous people arrived in the area nearly 10,000 years ago. They're working at one of the oldest and best-preserved sites on the western Prairies.

#technology #ca


Global News - Technology (2 weeks ago)

The Canadian Centre for Cyber Security said individuals affiliated with RT have been using a social-media bot farm at the direction of the Russian government.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (2 weeks ago)

Following an attack from a grizzly in Haines Junction, Yukon, Vanessa Leegstra spoke to CBC from hospital: "I just knew I couldn't leave my husband and my daughter, I wasn't ready."

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (2 weeks ago)

A Pittsburgh-based robotics company secured millions in a recent round of venture capital funding, with Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos even chipping into the pot.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (2 weeks ago)

Two astronauts who should have been back on Earth weeks ago said Wednesday that they're confident that Boeing's space capsule can return them safely, despite a string of vexing breakdowns.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (2 weeks ago)

Barry Hayes recounts the moment Tom Waddington was swarmed by whales while attempting to solo-row across the Atlantic Ocean.

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CTV - Sci-Tech (2 weeks ago)

A 51-year-old man from Richmond, Kentucky allegedly lured a 10-year-old child over the video game Fortnite and exchanged 'images of a sexual nature,' police east of Toronto say.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (3 weeks ago)

Tragedy struck last month when a beloved white grizzly bear called Nakoda and her two cubs were struck and killed by vehicles in British Columbia's Yoho National Park.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (3 weeks ago)

The planet known as HD 189733b, discovered in 2005, was already known for its unique conditions and extreme weather. Now scientists have discovered that it smells like rotten eggs.

#technology #ca


Global News - Technology (3 weeks ago)

Ticketmaster has finally notified its users of a data breach — one month after Global News first reported that the personal information of Canadian customers was likely stolen.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (3 weeks ago)

A driverless ride-hailing car in China hit a pedestrian, and people on social media are taking the carmaker's side, because the person was reportedly crossing against the light.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (3 weeks ago)

The Avro Arrow meant to be one of the most advanced aircraft of its era, dispatching the threat of Soviet nuclear bombers and making Canada a world leader in military aviation and engineering.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (3 weeks ago)

Dawn Lalonde of Mikkola Family Farm & Apiary in Lively, Ont., is raising money to send samples of the dead bees to a lab for further testing. She and others believe their sudden death is a warning that something is wrong in the environment.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (3 weeks ago)

A team of McMaster University students in Hamilton is eagerly preparing for an expedition to Iceland, where they'll camp out by a series of underground lava tubes they plan to map with a drone.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (3 weeks ago)

A new study has found that the eyed needle, a sewing tool made of bones, might hold important clues about the beginnings of fashion.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (3 weeks ago)

The Avro Arrow meant to be one of the most advanced aircraft of its era, dispatching the threat of Soviet nuclear bombers and making Canada a world leader in military aviation and engineering.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (3 weeks ago)

Scientists have revealed fossils of a giant salamanderlike beast with sharp fangs that ruled waters before the first dinosaurs arrived.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (3 weeks ago)

Deep inside Earth is a solid metal ball that rotates independently of our spinning planet, like a top whirling around inside a bigger top, shrouded in mystery.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (3 weeks ago)

The crew of a NASA mission to Mars emerged from their craft after a yearlong voyage that never left Earth.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (3 weeks ago)

Anglers say it is possible a large, carnivorous fish attacked an 8-year-old boy, sending him to the hospital for stitches, but such attacks are incredibly rare. The nature of his injuries has confounded some experts and led to an investigation by officials at Parc Jean-Drapeau.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (3 weeks ago)

The same warm ocean temperatures that are supercharging storms in the Atlantic Ocean are also wreaking havoc on coral reefs, which help protect coastlines against the powerful waves caused by hurricanes and tropical storms.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (3 weeks ago)

Ottawa's rat population is booming. Some believe contraception is key to getting to the root of the problem, but approval could take time.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (3 weeks ago)

In this week's issue of our environment newsletter, we look at places using goats to mow invasive weeds, compare Canadians' thoughts on climate policies to the rest of the world and check out a climate update to a popular board game.

#technology #ca


Global News - Technology (3 weeks ago)

The report delivered to the CRTC says that since the outage, the telecom company has implemented the changes needed to address the cause of the outage.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (3 weeks ago)

The process will be gradual as the Hamilton post-secondary institution has to first find ways to reduce the demand for parking.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (3 weeks ago)

Animal rights advocates who followed four recent shipments of live horses for slaughter from Canada to Japan are calling on the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to stop the exports until exporters comply with regulations that say the animals can't go more than 28 hours without food, water and rest. 

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (3 weeks ago)

Grapes have been intertwined with the story of humanity for millennia, providing the basis for wines produced by our ancestors thousands of years ago — but that may not have been the case if dinosaurs hadn't disappeared from the planet, according to new research.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (3 weeks ago)

Discovering your phone was lost or stolen can be a stressful experience. Here are steps to help recover your device and protect your data.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (3 weeks ago)

Bulgarian archeologists stumbled upon unexpected treasure this week during a dig in an ancient Roman sewer - a well-preserved, marble statue depicting the Greek god Hermes.

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Global News - Technology (3 weeks ago)

Dr. Shawna Pandya, an Edmonton physician, will be flying to space as a research astronaut with Virgin Galactic on its new Delta Class of spacecraft.

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Global News - Technology (3 weeks ago)

Amazon now joins Google's parent Alphabet, software behemoth Microsoft, iPhone maker Apple and chip maker Nvidia among companies with valuations of at least $2 trillion.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (3 weeks ago)

Chicken trainer, Emily Carrington, recounts the moment her hen, Lacey, was crowned the world's smartest chicken by the Guinness Book of World Records.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (3 weeks ago)

The three-year-old whale, named Vector, was last spotted on Friday near Campbell River off the east coast of Vancouver Island. Fisheries and Oceans Canada says it and its partners have been actively searching for the animal. 

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (3 weeks ago)

Hippos can get airborne when moving at high speeds over land, according to a new study.

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CBC - Technology (3 weeks ago)

Rescuers believe 100 dolphins have made it to safety following the largest dolphin rescue effort ever performed by non-profit group International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW).

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CBC - Technology (3 weeks ago)

A woman from China has been arrested at a Vermont lake bordering Quebec for trying to smuggle 29 eastern box turtles, a protected species, into Canada by kayak, according to border patrol agents.

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CBC - Technology (3 weeks ago)

A Saskatoon-based company is domesticating black soldier flies because it says their larvae could be used in pet food or aquaculture. 

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CTV - Sci-Tech (3 weeks ago)

Some police services in Canada are using facial recognition technology to help solve crimes, while other police forces say human rights and privacy concerns are holding them back from employing the powerful digital tools.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (3 weeks ago)

The same warm ocean temperatures that are supercharging storms in the Atlantic Ocean are also wreaking havoc on coral reefs, which help protect coastlines against the powerful waves caused by hurricanes and tropical storms.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (3 weeks ago)

Scientists have discovered that some ants perform limb amputations on injured comrades to improve their survival chances.

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CTV - Sci-Tech (3 weeks ago)

Since the social media platform made its U.S. debut almost six years ago, short videos posted there have created a rapidly changing menu of food and fashion fads. Here are a few of the more ubiquitous trends the platform has spawned - or helped spread - so far:

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (3 weeks ago)

Scientists from the University of Victoria, in collaboration with First Nations on the west coast of Vancouver Island, are trying to regrow kelp forests amid threats from heat waves, climate change and voracious sea urchins.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (3 weeks ago)

The former Apollo 8 astronaut best known for taking the iconic 'Earthrise' photo, who died last month while piloting a plane over the waters off Washington state, was doing a flyby near a friend's house when the fatal accident occurred, federal authorities said Tuesday.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (4 weeks ago)

Marine mammal rescuers in British Columbia are searching for an entangled humpback whale in the waters off northern Vancouver Island.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (4 weeks ago)

Grapes have been intertwined with the story of humanity for millennia, providing the basis for wines produced by our ancestors thousands of years ago — but that may not have been the case if dinosaurs hadn't disappeared from the planet, according to new research.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (4 weeks ago)

A tick-killing fungus is being studied by Acadia University's research lab as a potential new way to control ticks.

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Global News - Technology (4 weeks ago)

Depending on who you ask, the blobby pink face with beady eyes is cute or creepy — regardless, it's the face of the future.

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CBC - Technology (4 weeks ago)

Phragmites, an invasive reed, were taking over in Fort Erie, Ont. Cutting them back has been a walk in the park for this small herd of goats.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (4 weeks ago)

As Canadians enter another hot summer, experts recommend taking preventive measures to protect against injuries, summer heat and bugs — and to seek professional medical help if regular first aid doesn't provide relief. 

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (4 weeks ago)

When a Florida teen went missing, her parents searched her phone, desperate for clues. What they found shocked them. For months, she'd sent nude photos and videos of herself to a man they now feared had abducted her.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (4 weeks ago)

Farmers in Abitibi-Témiscamingue are expecting major financial losses as cutworms ravage their crops.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (4 weeks ago)

Hurricane Beryl strengthened to Category 5 status late Monday after it ripped doors, windows and roofs off homes across the southeastern Caribbean with devastating winds and storm surge. Grenada's Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell said one person had died.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (4 weeks ago)

Boeing's Starliner spacecraft won't return its two astronauts from the International Space Station until after engineers undertake a couple of weeks of testing to investigate the spacecraft's thruster issues, a NASA official said on Friday.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (4 weeks ago)

The soft, pink blob stares at the camera with glassy eyes — before pulling its face into a dimpled smile.

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CTV - Sci-Tech (4 weeks ago)

Canadian creators and publishers want the government to do something about the unauthorized and usually unreported use of their content to train generative artificial intelligence systems.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (4 weeks ago)

Scientists describe high activity of a specific gene in volunteers who didn't get infected when exposed to COVID-19 on purpose. They hope better understanding early immune responses could help develop nasal spray forms of vaccines for the coronavirus.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (4 weeks ago)

Check out the elephants at risk of extinction, and the wild cats that are bouncing back

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CTV - Sci-Tech (4 weeks ago)

As Florida's ban on "lab-grown" meat is set to go into effect next week, one manufacturer hosted a last hurrah — at least for now — with a cultivated meat-tasting party in Miami.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (4 weeks ago)

On Saturday, an asteroid that is believed to be larger than 120 metres wide will make a close flyby to Earth.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (4 weeks ago)

Two NASA astronauts will stay longer at the International Space Station as engineers troubleshoot problems on Boeing's new space capsule that cropped up on the trip there. NASA on Friday did not set a return date until testing on the ground was complete and said the astronauts were safe.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A month ago)

Called 2024 MK, the space rock will make its closest approach to Earth Saturday morning, passing by at about three-quarters the distance from Earth to the moon. It was first spotted two weeks ago by a South African observatory and is about 393 feet to 853 feet (120 metres to 260 metres) wide.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (A month ago)

Thirty-two years after the federal government announced a moratorium that shut down Newfoundland and Labrador's cod industry, Fisheries Minister Diane Lebouthillier said Wednesday that it is reopening. 

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (A month ago)

China's Chang'e 6 probe landed in the Inner Mongolian region in northern China on Tuesday with rock and soil samples from the little-explored far side of the moon, in a global first.

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Global News - Technology (A month ago)

An Edmonton-based company made up of University of Alberta alumni is uncovering new insight into our planet with the first-ever commercial hyperspectral satellite.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (A month ago)

This week, three falcon chicks named Hugo, Polo and Estebane started to spread their wings around the nest site on the 23rd floor of the Université de Montréal tower, with hundreds of online viewers watching their every move.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A month ago)

White-nose syndrome has been found in bats in the largest known hibernation area in the province.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (A month ago)

Tick experts are warning Canadians to be on the lookout for symptoms of anaplasmosis, a tick-borne disease whose case counts have been steadily increasing over the past 15 years.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A month ago)

The Center for Investigative Reporting said Thursday it has sued ChatGPT maker OpenAI and its closest business partner, Microsoft, marking a new front in the legal battle between news publications fighting against unauthorized use of their content on artificial intelligence platforms.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A month ago)

Has your iPhone screen cracked, or does your MacBook battery not charge like it used to? Instead of sending it in to an Apple repair centre or scheduling an appointment with a Genius Bar, Canadians will soon be able to fix their own devices at home.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A month ago)

Alzheimer's disease may be inherited more often than previously known, according to a new study that paints a clearer picture of a gene long known to be linked to the common form of dementia.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A month ago)

A fossilized ear bone unearthed in a cave in Spain has revealed a Neanderthal child who lived with Down syndrome until the age of 6, according to a new study.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A month ago)

MDA Space Ltd. has won a $1-billion contract with the Canadian Space Agency for the next phases of the Canadarm3 robotics system.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (A month ago)

A PhD researcher is in Newfoundland again this summer to help solve the mystery of snakes on the island, even though many people still don't believe the non-native species is here.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A month ago)

NASA on Wednesday said it awarded SpaceX $843 million to build a vehicle capable of pushing the International Space Station into Earth's atmosphere.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A month ago)

NBC is bringing a version of famed sportscaster Al Michaels back to the Olympics this summer with an unlikely twist: His voice will be powered by artificial intelligence.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A month ago)

When two veteran NASA astronauts blasted off on a test drive of Boeing's new capsule, they expected to head home from the International Space Station in a week or so.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A month ago)

An extinct ribbonlike sea creature about the size of a human thumb was one of the earliest animals to evolve a precursor of a backbone. Scientists recently identified the animal's nerve cord by using a topsy-turvy twist. They turned its fossils upside down.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A month ago)

When it comes to turning knowledge of artificial intelligence into companies, products and investment, Canada is lagging behind -- and, some experts argue, actively shooting itself in the foot.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (A month ago)

London police are investigating the deaths of two animals and the illness of a third after they were on display at a petting zoo for children, part of a weekend Pride event in the southwestern Ontario city.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (A month ago)

Building frogs a "sauna" made of masonry bricks can help their bodies fight off a devastating skin fungus that has caused some amphibian species to go extinct.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A month ago)

A B.C. man who was court-ordered not to use Grindr after he was convicted of using the app to target victims for fraud was found guilty of breaching his probation.

#technology #ca


CTV - Sci-Tech (A month ago)

Industry experts are warning Canadian businesses to take stock of their cyber vulnerabilities after an attack forced automotive dealerships across North America to trade their digital systems for pen and paper.

#technology #ca


Global News - Technology (A month ago)

Tesla shareholders voted Thursday to restore CEO Elon Musk's record US$44.9 billion pay package that was thrown out by a Delaware judge earlier this year.

#technology #ca


CBC - Technology (A month ago)

Before he got his new brain implant, 13-year-old Oran Knowlson's whole life revolved around his seizures.

#technology #ca
